At the Coliseum in 1964, Dr. King passionately and persuasively addressed 15,000 Angelenos on the issues of race relations and human dignity.
In 2025, L.A. Works will continue our long tradition of honoring Dr. King’s legacy by organizing the MLK 2025 Volunteer Festival: Take Action to Support our Beloved Community.
Move closer to Dr. King’s vision of a Beloved Community with hands-on activity zones tackling health equity, food insecurity, STEAM education, and more. Enjoy live performances, shop from minority-owned businesses, and make a difference in honoring Dr. King's legacy.
WILDFIRE UPDATE: Many Angelenos outside the immediate fire zones are looking for ways to help those impacted. In light of the devastating wildfires, we are adjusting the event’s activities to support recovery initiatives and help affected individuals and families. Some activities that will now be supporting displaced families include, but are not limited to, blanket making, assembling meal kits, and assembling hygiene kits.
Festival Activities include...
Impact Zones to create blankets, food packets, sports equipment, first aid kits, and more to be distributed to nonprofit partners serving vulnerable Angelenos throughout LA
Special guest speakers and live music
Sponsor VIP Zone for activities specially designed and led for teams
Family Zone for kid friendly volunteer activities
Food and drink for purchase
Raffle and auction prizes to win!
Paid parking on-site
And more!
Activities and ways to advocate for lasting change
MLK Legacy Project to create installations for schools and nonprofits across LA
Minecraft March on Washington video game truck to “meet” and learn about activists from the1963 march to today

Our Annual
Become an Event Sponsor!
Take advantage of the perks our packages have to offer for this incredible event! Sponsorship benefits include:
Reserved space and VIP parking;
Virtual MLK Day intro/educational prep session;
Access to VIP zone for employees to volunteer together; and
Express Entry option for employee volunteers.
We are also happy to work with you to customize a sponsorship package that fits your needs. Check out the details here and reach out to nathan@laworks.com for more info!
Do you want to bring out your team or group of volunteers, but do not have a sponsorship budget?
It is 100% free to volunteer and you can sign yourself up on the ticket sign-up page. However, if you'd like the additional perk of our assistance in signing up your team members along with the option of express entry for your volunteers, for a small donation our team can provide you with concierge support.
Volunteering is free...but...
As a nonprofit organization, our mission is to mobilize volunteers to help uplift the Los Angeles community.
So, for MLK Day, we're making an appeal to those who are coming out to serve as well as those who may not be able to join us: would you please help us cover the costs for this event!?!
We want to encourage as many individuals as possible to get involved, so we don't charge participants -- and we are especially grateful for the time and expertise that volunteers donate when they decide to serve.
As a nonprofit organization, we have paid staff that organize and coordinate the events, there are fixed costs like rent and insurance, there are site fees and rentals, and we have durable and non-durable project supplies for each event.
Thank you for your support!