Partnering with L.A. Works
We believe volunteers help organizations become better positioned to achieve their missions, improve the lives of those they serve, and thrive. Likewise, we believe strong nonprofit organizations make stronger communities.
We are here to help!
How we support Partner's volunteer organizing:
Recruit Volunteers

Manage Projects

Mobilize Groups

Perks of being a Partner
Join a network of hundreds of nonprofits utilizing L.A. Works to promote your volunteer opportunities.
Connect your organization to thousands of volunteers across Los Angeles.
Receive a Partner Newsletter that connects you to nonprofit resources and organizations across the city.
Build relationships with our L.A. Works programs to promote and support your organization.
Build a social media presence through L.A. Works Social Media Partner Spotlights.
Managing Volunteer Groups
L.A. Works organizes programming for teams of corporate and community volunteers – removing the majority of time and effort that usually falls to the nonprofit when a group reaches out looking to volunteer.
If you have a virtual, at-home, or (socially-distanced) in-person service activity that can accommodate a group of any size, please reach out! From hands-on beautification projects to virtual mentoring workshops to creating supply kits, corporate groups are always willing to lend a helping

Year-long Volunteer Corps
L.A. Works recruits, places, and matches AmeriCorps VISTAs to spend a year at a nonprofit, building the volunteer infrastructure of an organization whose mission is to alleviate poverty. Click the button to learn more about the Volunteer Corps program and how to host a VISTA
1. Vuelva a verificar si su organización ya es un socio existente.
Inserte la barra de búsqueda desde esta página o cree una nueva página si eso no es posible:
2. Si su organización es un socio registrado pero no puede publicar oportunidades de voluntariado, envÃe un correo electrónico a partners@laworks.com para acceder. 3. Si su organización no está registrada, complete esta Solicitud de asociación. Puede cambiar esto a un botón si se ve mejor.
4. Nuestro personal revisará su solicitud y nos pondremos en contacto dentro de los 3 dÃas hábiles. ¡Luego le asesoraremos sobre cómo escribir una publicación sólida que involucre a voluntarios de calidad!
Partner Requirements​
Be an IRS designated 501(c)(3) non-profit, school, or government agency. We do not work with private individuals independent of a 501(c)(3)
Serve the Greater Los Angeles area
Carry general liability insurance
Not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, gender, sexual preference, national origin, age, or non-related medical condition or disability
Not provide monetary compensation to volunteers
Not recruit for the following: political campaigns; direct religious activity or proselytizing, or activity involving direct financial asks as part of fundraising activities
Already a Partner?
Learn how to post more opportunities:
1. If your organization is a registered Partner but you're unable to post volunteer opportunities, please email partners@laworks.com for access.
2. Check out this video for a step-by-step instruction on posting.